The Consequences of Taxes and Inflation

    Check here to see the Introduction
MRD method: 2012 Equal Payment / Obsolete Life Epectancy
Beginning age for calculations
Ending age of caluclations
Initial value of the IRA fund
Excess withdrawl from IRA fund, above MRD
  Year the IRA and Saving take a dip
    Transfered value before and after the dip
    Fraction of value at the dip when transferred
Initial value of the Savings fund
  Other taxable Fixed Income (AGI): Pension, Social Security, ... added to Savings
Expected Average Investment Rate of Return - IRA and Savings
  Estimate of fraction of income that is Capital Gains taxable
    Offsetting Capital Gains losses
Average expected rate of Inflation
Expenses withdrawn from Savings, increased each year for inflation
    All taxes are to be paid from Savings, including MRD, then from the IRA fund.
    All taxes are to be paid from the IRA fund, in addition to the MRD, then from Savings.